The Digital Society Initiative's Minor Master's Degree Program
Digital Skills enables UZH students to acquire competencies to meet the challenges of digital transformation and take advantage of its opportunities.
The entire study program will be offered from fall ’24. Pilot modules, such as “Teamwork on Digital Transformation Challenges”, can already be attended from fall ’23.

The students …
- can classify the topics of digitalization and problems in this context.
- critically engage with the social implications of the digital society.
- reflect on the impact of the digital transformation on individuals and themselves.
- understand traditional research in individual disciplines and new approaches made possible by digitalization.
- are able to work successfully on projects in interdisciplinary groups with innovative approaches.
- recognize that scientific work involves different questions, approaches and methods depending on the discipline.
- evaluate their goals, the process and the results according to ethical principles.
- clarify project-related legal issues.
- apply digital skills across disciplines in their project.
- are able to collect and process information in digital form.
- are able to prepare and present their project results in various forms and thus generate outreach.
Contact: Ursula Brack, Digital Society Initiative