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Bildung, Bits und Bites

DSI Event Room SOC-E-010 Rämistrasse 69,Zürich

Netzwerkveranstaltung der DIZH-Bildungsförderung   Gemeinsam mit dem Netzwerk LeLa feiert das Koordinationsgremium Bildungsförderung DIZH die Vernissage des Buches «Bildung, Praxistransfer und Kooperation» und lädt die Teilnehmenden ein, gemeinsam buchstäblich neue Wege zu gehen und im Austausch über die Gestaltung und Weiterentwicklung von Lehr- und Lernräumen neue Perspektiven zu erfahren.  Die Spaziergänge im Format "Walk'n'Talk" spiegeln… Weiterlesen »Bildung, Bits und Bites

Research Hackathon: Investigating the Role of AI in Higher Education

DSI Event Room SOC-E-010 Rämistrasse 69,Zürich

«Research Hackathon: Investigating the Role of AI in Higher Education» aims at fostering collaboration among university researchers, lecturers and students. Participants will work together to define research projects that explore the application and implications of AI in higher education. With insights from keynote speakers and guidance from mentors, attendees will explore how research can help to… Weiterlesen »Research Hackathon: Investigating the Role of AI in Higher Education

AI Song Contest 2024 Award Show

Innovationspark Dübendorf Wangenstrasse 68,Dübendorf

The AI Song Contest is an international competition showcasing the creative potential of human–AI co-creativity in the songwriting process. Teams consisting of musicians and AI experts – and anyone else interested in the combination of music and artificial intelligence (AI) – collaborate to create a song with AI as a creative partner. This event brings… Weiterlesen »AI Song Contest 2024 Award Show

HackEOn. Space Insights

Universität Zürich

The Everyday Impact of Satellite Data Discover how satellite data shapes our daily lives at HackEOn’s first event. Open to everyone, this event features inspiring talks from prominent experts in the space sector. Learn how Earth Observation data is already making a difference and how you can be part of this exciting journey. Join HackEOn… Weiterlesen »HackEOn. Space Insights

HackEOn. Hackathon Prep

Universität Zürich

Satellite Data & Entrepreneurial Skills Prepare for HackEOn with hands-on workshops focused on using satellite data and creating your own business model. Designed for hackathon participants, our second event will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to turn your innovative ideas into reality. Get ready to make an impact during the hackathon weekend!… Weiterlesen »HackEOn. Hackathon Prep

HackEOn Weekend

Zurich Knowledge Center for Sustainable Development Hardstrasse 235,Zürich

Let’s hack the planet Dive into a thrilling 48-hour hackathon focused on sustainable solutions using satellite data. Work in diverse teams, get mentorship from experts, and turn your ideas into impactful projects. No coding skills required. Join us at the Zurich Knowledge Center for Sustainable Development and innovate for a better planet! About the Hackathon… Weiterlesen »HackEOn Weekend