Schools are facing numerous challenges in the digital transformation. In the Edugame4Change project, the ImaginEd game is being developed to help schools shape this change at various levels. It combines a simulation game and an applied game to stimulate a sustainable school development process.

Design your school of the future together!
The ImaginEd game encourages you to rethink school. It motivates you to develop unusual ideas and master challenges in a playful way. Immerse yourself in a (not) completely normal, crazy everyday school life!
In a game of ImaginEd, you and your school team create a vision of your own school of the future by drawing and telling stories. After the game, you implement concrete development impulses and thus help shape the digital change at your school. ImaginEd is a tried-and-tested, evidence-based board game that supports you in school development and provides impetus for specific projects.
Core team:
Prof. Dr. Tobias Röhl, PHZH Centre for Media Education and Computer Science / Centre for Education and Digital Transformation
Stefan Schmidlin, ZHdK Game Design
Nija (Sonja) Böckler, ZHdK Game Design
Practice partner:
Running time: 2023-2024