What happens when you cross educational institutions with videogames? Serious games! In other words, games that not only provide entertainment, but also convey information or education. On November 17, the five Zurich universities demonstrated in the Nüü, the event space for digital transformation of the ZHAW, using self-developed games, how these can be used to address challenges in society in a playful way. Whether in the fields of medicine, sustainability, architecture or education – games can actually do good!

Many thanks to all participants and visitors for the interest and the exchange!

More information about the games:
(RE)USE is an educational game for environmental education. In the prototype, the conservation of the Hotel Schatzalp is simulated and can be played interactively.
Contact: Fabian Kastner
Cooperation partners: Game Technology Center, (Stéphane Magnenat und Aydin Faraji), Professur für Nachhaltiges Bauen, beide ETH Zurich
With Candli, users can photograph or upload their own drawings and images and, with a handful of visual rules, easily assemble them into a fully functional video game. With one click, this can then be shared online with friends.
Contact: Stéphane Magnenat, Enlightware
Cooperation partners: Enlightware, ETH Game Technology
Foodscape was developed for school lessons, but is also available online as a stand-alone game. It provides background information on the Swiss food system, highlights conflicting goals and shows options for action for a healthy and environmentally compatible diet.
Contact: Sonja Böckler, ZHdK
Cooperation partner: ZHdK Game Design, ZHAW
“Playfully Develop Writing Motor Skills” is an Educational Serious Game aimed at children diagnosed with ADHD, ages 8 to 12. The goal of the game is to improve the writing skills of these children
Contact: Ulrich Götz, ZHdK
Cooperation partners: ZHdK Game Design, ZHAW Institut für Gesundheitswissenschaften, ZHAW Institut für Ergotherapie, PHZH Zentrum Inklusion und Gesundheit in der Schule (IGS)
uMed is a game-based questionnaire for students and employees in medical professions. The purpose of the game is to collect data on the behavior of the players. The game is part of an ongoing study on the everyday moral decision making of medical students and staff.
Contact: Tobias Eichinger, UZH
Cooperation partners: Universität Zürich (Ethik-Zentrum, Institut für Banking und Finance), Zeppelin Institut Friedrichshafen (Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspsychologie und Führungsethik), Koboldgames

From the ideal city of the Renaissance to the demolished Walled City in Kowloon (Hong Kong), we encounter increasing density numbers (inhabitants/hectare). The goal of the game is to infect as few people as possible by evasion.
Contact: Andri Gerber, ZHAW
Cooperation partners: ZHAW Institut Urban Landscape IUL

The game is aimed at refugee children from Ukraine. They can playfully explore the city of Zurich in a virtual way and at the same time create local references to their hometown.
Contact: Andri Gerber, ZHAW
Cooperation partners: ZHAW Departement Architektur, Gestaltung und Bauingenieurwesen, Blindflug Studios

After a stroke, it is important to quickly begin effective and individualized rehabilitation therapy. This includes exercises that help restore trunk control. With the AR glasses, which expand the perception of reality, patients have to pick apples, bananas or pears and thus specifically train the trunk.
Contact: Daniel Baumgartner, ZHAW School of Engineering

With the Pocket Code app, users can program, play and share their own games, animations, interactive art, music videos and many other types of apps right from their phone.
Contact: Bernadette Spieler, PHZH
Game development: CATROBAT
In a virtual reality environment, we are introduced to concepts around smart mobility. Those who put on VR goggles can move through the city of the future.
Contact: Viola Rühlin, Jonas Schmid, ZHAW

Interested in games and a further exchange with researchers and developers at the universities? Find out more at the DSI Community Gaming!
Copyright Photos & Video: Frank Richter, ZHAW digital