Digital support for caregivers
Project state
Project start
September 2021
Funding duration
28 months
Universities involved
Practice partners
We+Tech, Pro Aidants
Funding amount DIZH
CHF 223'000
There is an enormous amount of knowledge available for relatives of people with dementia. So much, in fact, that it’s easy to lose track. This is where you+care comes in:
We want to translate this knowledge into action-orientated tips. The coaching function is designed to support relatives individually and at the right time with suitable solutions.
The aim was to develop an app for family carers of people with dementia that supports them in their stress management. A concept and a prototype of a digital coach were developed as a solution. The main results of the project are
- The realisation that there is already an enormous amount of material in this area, but that access to it is difficult and spread across many websites.
- The realisation that the existing material is mostly documented in the form of broad knowledge and not in compact, action-oriented tips.
- The solution was the idea of developing a digital coach who knows the needs of relatives in their individual care situation. This enables the coach to impart the necessary knowledge in an uncomplicated and targeted manner.
- The content of the app was generated from comprehensive information sheets from Alzheimer Switzerland and organised and edited into various topics for the coach. The structure and texts were validated in user tests.
- Illustrations for the app were developed on behalf of the client.
- The functionality of the app, in particular the logic for individualisation, was developed and tested in a prototype.
To summarise, the implementation partner receives a tested concept for an app with text content, illustrations, app logic and a prototype for demonstration purposes.
Save the app on your smartphone
The prototype is accessible on mobile devices at The app can also be saved on the device for even more user-friendly use.

Dr. Samuel Wehrli, ZHAW Soziale Arbeit
Barbara Baumeister, ZHAW Soziale Arbeit, Institut für Vielfalt und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe
Prof. Jürgen Späth, ZHdK Departement Design, Interaction Design
Practice partners
Call type: 1. Project Call