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Immerse in the Cloud – Visualizing with Point Cloud
8. März 2022 @ 17:15 - 18:30

Laser scanning and photogrammetry have become prevalent technologies over the last decade for recording spaces and are capable of depicting spaces in a very precise, detailed and legible manner. The resulting data, a point cloud, can be categorized as a metrically accurate, measured model but beside its geometric precision, the point cloud has another, greater potential. The visual representation of a point cloud is exceptional, oscillating between the realistic and the surreal, while its appearance is elusive. Its base is a point, a fundamental notion that describes a precise location in space and has no length, width, or thickness.
However, the point cloud is capable of representing spatial complexity like no other geometry. Shape and space is described pixel by pixel, always incomplete yet surprisingly detailed. Impenetrable rocks become translucent, expose their inner tubular system and layers of landscape are put in a new relation. The digital void is filled with notes of delicate leaf structures and our own imagination completes the arrangement of a garden. As we move through the point cloud, we are immersed in an alternative aesthetic paradigm that conveys our surroundings in impossible, expanding, and enchanting ways.
Live-Stream: https://blog.zhdk.ch/immersivearts/live/