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Artificial Intelligence: Game Over?
20. Juli 2022 @ 11:00 - 12:30

Machine Learning with its avalanche of sweeping success stories (Go Zero, BERT, GPT-3, DALL-E, LaMDA, Gato) is broadcasting the impression that the problem of intelligence is solved (see, e.g. here or here) and all that is left is to scale systems. As a result, academia with all its accumulated wisdom and current research results seems to be pathetically left behind, its role reduced to preparing students for earning humongous salaries at Google and their ilk. Is that the end of the story? Is intelligence just an issue of learning from massive amounts of human-generated samples? Even some of the ML gurus send signals that essential ingredients seem to be missing (e.g., here). What could those missing ingredients be? This question that will be addressed in our panel discussion.
- Prof. Dr. Christoph von der Malsburg (FIAS, UZH/ETH, ZHAW; Neuroinformatics)
- Prof. Dr. Benjamin Grewe (UZH/ETZH, Neuroinformatics)
- Dr. Yulia Sandamirskaya (Neuromorphic Computing, Intel Labs, Munich, Germany)
- Prof. em. Dr. Rodney Douglas (UZH/ETHZ, Neuroinformatics)
- Prof. Dr. Thilo Stadelmann (ZHAW Centre for AI, AI and Deep Learning)
- Moderator: Dr. Ricardo Chavarriaga (Moderator, ZHAW Centre for AI, CLAIRE office CH, AI&Neurotechnologies)
See here a news article on the first event in this series: https://www.zhaw.ch/en/about-us/news/news-releases/news-detail/event-news/interdisziplinaere-diskussionsrunde-am-cai-kolloquium-eroertert-was-intelligenz-ist-und-wie-man-die-ki-der-gegenwart-voranbringen-kann/
See also: https://www.zhaw.ch/en/engineering/institutes-centres/cai/colloquium/
On April 27, the first interdisciplinary panel discussion with Prof. Christoph von der Malsburg in the mini series «Pathways beyond Present AI», organized within the frame of the CAI colloquium, took place. We would like to deepen some of the ideas developed in this first discussion in a follow-up event and 2nd panel discussion:
Date & Time: Wednesday, 20.7., 11:00-12:30
Place: ZHAW Winterthur, Technikumstrasse 71, Room TS O1.19 and Zoom